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The H721 Dual SIM 5G NR + 4G router firmware options

The Dual Q H721 router is very powerful HW platform. And there is many different firmwares available for this router. Please check our experiences.

1 – ROOTER (Officiall GoldenOrb firmware):


We are using the prerelease firmware with AB21 now. Very stable, can support DUAL SIM (Dual LTE module) applications well. Unfortunately can not support WiFi6 modules. This is the next goal for developers. Also the current QFirehose that rooter use is too old, so if you need upgrade firmware of your Quectel module, then we recomend to use X-WRT firmware and install the plug in to upgrade the firmware – QFirehose.

This firmware can support latest Quectel and SIMCOM 5G modems like RM510x, RM520x, RM530x, SIM8262E-M2 and more

2 – X-WRT (OpenWRT based firmware):

firmware download link: https://downloads.x-wrt.com/rom/  (and found H721 )

We like the X-WRT firmware performance. X-wrt fully support wifi6 ( Mediatek MT 7915 / 7916 chipset supported), has full HW-NAT support WWAN and wifi6.  Support dual-lte or 5G modem load-balance , see instructions bellow. This new fw also has introduce new Quectel QMAP protocol , it will reduce the cpu load! You can use this protocol for all 5G Quectel modems.

Attention – X-wrt default IP address is username admin password admin. Default X-WRT information: SSID:X-WRT_XXXX. SSID Password:88888888.

It also supports the new RM520N-GL. But it not have auto configuration for LTE modems (Rooter firmware has it only). You need manual create new interface (QMAP cellular) and manual choose AT port to display modem signal information. Please see it in instructions bellow.

And how to set up the load balance for for two LTE modems and two SIM cards at H721 router?

First you need install 2 modems at M.2 and Mini-picie slot and sim cards, this example use RM502Q-AE and EP06 modems

Normally Mini-pcie modem will power up first and M.2 modem will power up secondly . So system will create Modem subsystem In sequence. That is to say, CDC-wdm0 & ttyUSB0 ttyUSB1 ttyUSB2 is Mini-pcie modem,  CDC-wdm1 & ttyUSB3 ttyUSB4 ttyUSB5 is M.2 modem.

  1. Delete all usbwan* at Network-interface

save & apply


save &apply

Setup xwan02. pay attention, modem device /dev/cdc-wdm0(Mini-pcie modem) and metric use 802

Save and apply admin



Czech language instructions :

1. síť, rozhraní, odstranit všechna rozhraní usbwan** uložit a použít nastavení

2. síť, multi-dial, zapnout multi-dial, 3-dial sledování hostitele zachovat bránu, ostatní odstranit, protokol vybrat ipv4 a ipv6 uložit a použít nastavení

3. počkejte 30 sekund, zadejte síť, rozhraní, upravte xwan01, vyberte protokol QMAP, nakonfigurujte první modul, bránu skokového bodu 801

4. zadejte síť, rozhraní, upravte xwan02, zvolte protokol QMAP, nakonfigurujte druhý modul, brána počet skoků 802.

Nakonec nastavení uložte.

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